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Wild Good Gluten-Free, Non-Dairy Ice Cream Is Made From Olive Oil


Wild Good Gluten-Free, Non-Dairy Ice Cream Is Made From Olive Oil

Wild Good Gluten-Free, Non-Dairy Ice Cream Is Made From Olive Oil

Wildgood, a new frozen dessert brand from a Greek ice cream specialist, is an airy confection made with extra-virgin olive oil.

Non-dairy ice cream products typically use types of plant-based milk (such as cashew, almond, or coconut milk) and oils (like soybean, sunflower, or coconut) to replace the creamy texture and mouthfeel created by milk fats found in traditional ice cream. By using extra-virgin olive oil as the fat base for their products, which is listed as the third ingredient after water and fructose, Wildgood may attract consumers with the health halo of a longtime Mediterranean diet staple. 

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